Singing Guide: David Bennett

Singing Guide: David Bennett

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn singing like David Bennett, then you're in for a treat. Bennett is famed for his powerful, energetic and theatrical tenor voice. Notably, his technique involves a lot of classical training, which he uses to great effect in genres like rock, metal, and even musical theatre.

To sing like David Bennett, you must focus on the following:

  • Breath Control
    To sing powerful, sustained notes without any strain, you need to work on breath control. Start by practicing deep breathing exercises like the Farinelli breathing exercise, which can be found in Singing Carrots' Skill-related Videos section. This will allow you to control your exhalation further for sustained notes and also reduce tension.
  • Vocal Warm-Ups
    Bennett warms up with an eight-note scale to ensure his voice is ready to perform. Vocal warm-ups prepare you for singing, reduce the risk of vocal injury, and improve technique. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game provides interactive vocal warm-ups and exercises specifically for range and agility. These exercises are a great way to start warming up your voice for your singing practice each day.
  • Breathing Techniques
    Breath support is instrumental in Bennett's voice as he can sustain high notes without using vibrato. To learn more about breath support techniques, check out Singing Carrots' Breath Support article. Additionally, the Chest Voice Explained video found in the Skill-related Videos section explains how chest voice and breath support techniques are related.
  • Mouth and Throat Openness
    Bennett's technique involves keeping his mouth and throat as open as possible. This ensures that his vocal cords vibrate as freely as possible, resulting in greater resonance, range, and power of the voice. To learn about the importance of keeping your mouth and throat open while singing, check out the Open Mouth & Throat blog post.
  • Performing With Emotion
    Another aspect of Bennett's performance is his dramatic and emotional style. Learning how to convey emotions through singing is essential if you want to replicate his style. Check out Singing Carrots' Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking article to learn practical advice on how to effectively perform with emotion.
  • Unique Vocal Technique
    Finally, Bennett is specially known for his use of the Heavy Modal voice technique, which gives his singing style a powerful and distinct quality typical of metal and rock genres. To learn more about this technique and many others, check out the Contemporary Vocal Techniques: Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting blog post.

Songs Showcasing the Technique
To hone your technique and better sing like David Bennett, consider practicing singing covers of his songs. Some of his songs that showcase his unique vocal technique include "Further Oblivion," "Pangea," and "CoE 18 the afterman." Additionally, Singing Carrots provides functionality to search for songs by vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference to find even more songs similar to Bennett's style.

To summarize, to learn singing like David Bennett, you should focus on breath control techniques, vocal warm-ups, breath support, mouth, and throat openness, performing with emotion, and understanding unique vocal techniques like Heavy Modal. Singing Carrots offers a considerable number of resources and exercises to help you improve your singing.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.